Surprise! I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I am going to try to pick this back up but we will see how it goes...bear with me over the next week it may be a bumpy ride. Our big stressful news is... we are buying a new house! It was all finalized last week so I guess its safe to say ready or not we will be moving at the end of June. Don't worry its not far, in fact, it is very near where we live now...its just a bigger more family friendly house that has a better school there is no baby...but there will be one day and we figure now will be a good time to make the move.
With that said, life since January has been a flurry of activity. I went to my first Atlanta market and it was everything I thought it would be and more {post forthcoming}, we had a FABULOUS long weekend at the beach {another post forthcoming}, I went to Oklahoma City for work {trust me there will be no post on this} and we have had numerous after work, Saturday morning, Sunday afternoon meetings with Real Estate agents trying to figure this whole thing out...oh for about the last 4 weeks or so {or this}. That doesn't include the 687,321,875 hours we have spent cleaning JUNK out of our current house. I don't know how we accumulated so much junk...oh wait yes I do...our parents told us to come get our childhood stuff out of their houses. {note to parents: it is not necessary that you keep every Barbie doll your child ever played with...they don't need counseling for that later...they need counseling for the above mentioned hours spent cleaning their house}
We are making the last final push to get things in order before the house goes on the market Friday, but I have come to the conclusion that people are just going to have to deal. They are going to have to deal with the fact that in reality my bathrobe and towel hang outside the shower because I use it each and everyday...and hiding such things under the bed or in a far away closet is extremely inconvenient for someone who has just taken a shower and is freezing. They are also going to have to deal with the fact that I enjoy having no less that 326 bottles of shampoo in the shower...sometimes I feel fruity sometimes I like sorry. Isn't it enough that I made sure all my Pyrex and Corningware is stacked neatly in the cabinet, or that I may never find any of the other stuff that I had to stash away somewhere...that I will probably be finding pot holders in my nightstand for years to come? Oh and while I'm at it one last thing...we do have dirty laundry believe it or not and I do need to have the hamper in the closet lest I throw my clothes in the bathroom floor never to be picked up you'll just have to imagine how big the closet is without a hamper...since of course you the buyer will not need a place for things such as dirty clothes....ok I think I am done...apparently I was correct about need counseling over I have missed this little blog.
So I will be back...with some more fun posts...with pictures...I just don't want to risk it since I still have no luck uploading them on this computer anymore...and I am done trying to figure out why.
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