Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Be Right Back

I'm here....I'm here. I had full intentions of getting some kind of update on here today but I ran out of the house without my camera...and what is an update with no pictures. So I pledge to be back soon with SOMETHING...if there is even anyone left out there reading....I don't blame you if everyone has given up hope of an update.

We made it in late (relative to my 10pm bedtime) Sunday night and I am ashamed to say my suitcase is still not unpacked. I merely pick the things out of it I need each morning while it lays hazardously in the middle of the closet floor....waiting for me to break my ankle...but in my world that would be less painful than unpacking my over the weight limit suitcase....

Now that I think about it...I don't even think I posted where we were going or that we were going have a lot to catch up on...we went Utah...and it was an I said I'll be right back with more soon...

...and just because I can't stand a post without some kind of picture...and I truly believe spring will never get is a picture of the grass...when it was green...did you know that grass can be green?? I think I have forgotten and all I know is they better be right about those 60 degree temperatures this weekend or I may not dry, pasty skin has had all it can take of winter.

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