Monday, March 23, 2009

What a Weekend

I LOVE spring and everything about it...the sun, the warmth, the long days, and watching things bloom. I especially love when all of these things happen on a weekend. A spring Saturday morning is like Christmas morning once a week for me. This Saturday was no different, other than I didn't have to be at the store. I woke up at like 7:30 ready to go and already planning my day. I turned over and stared at Brandon, to see if he was as excited as me, but he was dead to the world. Now don't get me wrong, Monday through Friday I could stay in bed until noon...but when I have a whole day to do what I want I am ready to get started.

I had some strawberries that needed to be used, and I had a great recipe from a lady at my office for strawberry cupcakes. I always seem to need a "project" on the weekend and trust me baking, cooking or anything of the sort, is a project or should I say endeavor for me.

{Purchase Justified}

Here is the finished product. Ignore the powerded sugar all over my I said..endeavor.

Brandon and I took them up to his Aunt & Uncle's house. They had a house full of kids and neighbors so I figured I could get rid of them quickly...I was also painfully aware that if they were horrible, kids would spit them out and tell you so.

I guess they weren't too bad because here is what I brought home. Either that or these kids had been taught the best manners. I like to think they weren't THAT bad.

Moving on to Sunday. Stay with me I can't tell if it is the small size of this post window, or if I am actually writing a novel that makes this one seem so long. Like I said I love projects, spring, and weekends..I know..I love lots of things apparently. When I woke up Sunday morning, it was another bright sunny day. Naturally, the first thing I thought of was Home Depot...naturally. I tried a garden last year which miserabley I thought I should try because I am a glutton for punishment and two because I needed a project. This year I was going to arm myself with pesticide and maybe it would turn out better. Hey, I used organic soil and I am growing my own vegetables so that counts for something.

I recruited Brandon to go with me under the guise that I was just going to get soil to start preparing my garden...he gets a little overwhelmed when I lay a whole project on steps. Well let me just tell you...when we got there they had just gotten in a shipment of vegetables and this girl was in weekend project Heaven. I picked up the standards : squash, zucchini, and tomoatoes...I went a little overboard last year so I thought I should maybe scale back a little this year. With my nature's bounty in hand we headed home to get to work.

{The Before}

It's not very big or impressive but about halfway through trying to break through middle earth to get the soil ready, this thing felt like the size of a football field. I'll spare you the gory details because it was not exciting or pretty. Much like I wanted to yesterday, I'll skip straight to the after...after I had burned my back, lost all feeling in my hands, and control over my legs.

{The After}

Now, I am not done yet. I think I want to paint the little fence to match the window panes that are hanging on our porch and add some flowers to attract bees so I am not hand pollenating squash at 6am like last year.

But that is a different project for a different weekend and we were all very tired after working so hard.


  1. Your weekend sounds like mine, I had to come to work today to rest! I think I may try my hand at planting a garden, I'll just do each step a week later than yours so I can learn from your mistakes!

  2. 1. Um..pretty sure I didn't get a strawberry cupcake...and pretty sure I'm bitter.

    2. LOOK AT YOU!!! I LOVE veggies.. will you cook for me when they come out? It looks great and very "experienced." HA!

    3. I LOVE that window. How come I've never seen it?

    4. First time I've seen the Curbs (how are ya'll spelling her name? clearly she is staying with ya'll. ha) in a pic. she's is TOO cute.

  3. It looks like you have a fabulous weekend full of many feats! Who would have known after dinner on Friday night you would take on so much? I am glad to see you were able to make use of the colanders right away. However, you did put me in the dog house with Mr. Bates for bringing him a share of the delicious cupcakes. How can I compete with you, Betty Crocker? Keep blogging. It is entertaining.

  4. I have to say...I am quite impressed with your projects. And I love the fact that I see three dogs on that couch...I knew you two would keep her :) Hope you're doing great!

  5. Love the blog. It's fun but I am a total slacker on it. How do you have time to do so much. I just want to be lazy on the I can aspire to be like Ashley! Love the colanders and the great buy on glasses. I am in for margaritas anytime you are up for fixing them!
