Saturday, March 21, 2009

Simple Pleasures

Yesterday was a beautiful warm and sunny day. The worst part was it was Friday and all I wanted to do was play in the sunshine. Instead, I sat at my desk and kicked myself for not buying these. I decided after work I needed some retail therapy to console was a huge loss...they were vintage...and green...and polka dot...and perfect, but I digress. I headed to a favorite guilty pleasure of mine Old Time Pottery (OTP). I went with the intention of buying this:

However, things went a little different than planned and I ended up with this:

I couldn't resist the cute little green one. The yellow and green together just makes me happy. The best find of the day was the margarita glasses I found. They had sets of four Williams-Sonoma margarita glasses for $9.99 (they were regulary $8.50 a piece)! I could just picture a hot summer day with a glass full of Holly's uncle Bill's margaritas....YUM!

It was a good day at the OTP...It helped lessen the pain a little. Now don't get me wrong, I am in full search mode for those vintage perfect glasses, but at least for now whenever I make spaghetti I can at least drain it in a cute colander.

Have a Happy Weekend!

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