I am proud to say I survived cleaning out the closets, attic, and refrigerator, and even managed to pull a few weeds. What I almost did not survive was the fact that I had 5 bags of clothes to take to the Salvation Army because my rear couldn't fit in to any of them anymore. Hello womanhood it's nice to meet you...now leave me alone...I am going to go back to crying over the 12 year old boy figure I used to have...along with all the clothes I used to have...and don't think for a second we are friends...you have brought me nothing but strife since I was about 13.
The good news is...I can now see my closet floor and I even found the pair of pearl earrings I lost. The ones that Brandon gave me on our wedding day...maybe its a sign... a sign that our love has not been lost in the back of a closet somewhere...or maybe its a sign that I am lazy and should clean my closet out more often...but I already knew that.
So to reward myself for a hard weekend's work I bought myself a little something. Granted, I bought it before I even started any of that cleaning business...but still. I'll have to post a picture of it tonight...because Pier 1's website is apparently not up to date...and our Internet will have to be installed because our neighbors moved and took our free Internet with them...
Happy Monday...now how about a picture of Max...cause that's all I got!
Oh wait here is one of Sophie too....
Well we better not leave Curby out either...but she didn't want her picture taken last weekend.
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