We are back from a whirlwind weekend in Louisville. I figure we might as well start with a recap of the reason we were there since that is the proper thing to do and I am all about doing things the proper way.We drove home late Friday night so we could make it to my brother's 5th birthday party on Saturday...we'll stop right here to clarify. He is my half-brother with my step mom and dad...but still I was almost 21 and my sister was 23 when he was born...so yes he is WAAAY younger than me...thanks for reminding me how ancient I am becoming....ok moving on.Saturday I woke up and rushed to a place I really took for granted when I lived in Louisville...Dunkin Donuts...they say you don't really know what you have until its gone and man they were right...all the stars aligned and the world was in perfect harmony as I picked up my coffee, blueberry donuts and purchased my lottery ticket...{Dear Alabama, can you please fast forward to 2009...Thanks, Ashley's stomach and gambling addiction}
So after things were in order my sister and I made our way to an incredible fabric store....but you'll have to wait on that because we're talking about my brother here remember...
We were late to the birthday party...and it's your fault because I was trying to take pictures of the scenery for you...just go ahead and nominate me for sister of the year....we made it before he even noticed because lets face it....when your sisters are A. Old farts and B. Sisters you don't really care...as long as his two brother in laws are there that's all that matters.
We did the cake and presents thing and then he was back to playing with his younger cooler cousins...and we were left all alone...

However...Brandon and Ryan were able to recover quickly...I think I am starting to get some Christmas ideas for these two.
We ended the day with a little putt-putt and ski-ball. My dad and step mom had a Sunday School party and left my brother in the hands of his two older sisters...just wait until he's 21....oh wait I'll be 90 by then and a little too old for bars..

I don't know why he looks so un-enthused in this picture. He was only up about an hour past his bedtime and had 9,853 pictures already taken...ungrateful brat....KIDDING....kidding... geez...he got some very cool prizes, like a blue samurai sword, some bouncy balls, and various other annoying trinkets**, thanks to some older kids that make a living winning tickets in arcades and generously shared with him. We managed to get him home in one piece and before the sun came up...so overall I would say we were pretty responsible...maybe we'll even have kids of our own one day.... just don't start holding your breath.
This is what happens when you send your 5 year old out with his sisters. Just thought I would warn you
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