I have mentioned before that our builder chose to build our house on the biggest lump of clay/rock that he could find. So now, as a family tradition, we gather around on a Saturday morning in the spring to throw sand on our yard {It's kind of like those barn raising parties way back when... minus the barn...much to my dismay}. If only it would turn our backyard into a beach and an ocean would show up to the party I would probably be more ok with the manual labor.
Here is our yard post sand and pre mulch....I didn't get a before picture because the in laws pulled up with the sand and we started shoveling and spreading. This is also after my mother in-law so graciously weeded the bed that I have let grow wild the past few months. I have been blessed with great in-laws who are always willing to help out, and it made the work go much faster. My brother in-law is also the one with the truck so without him this wouldn't have been possible...thanks Al!
Ahhh....yes here is a picture taken not too long ago of the weedy/rocky mess that is our backyard. Don't worry Max is not dead...I have not killed them yet for destroying my honeysuckle....he is just worthless {but cute}.
And here is the after...I know HUGE transformation...If something would actually bloom back there it might make more of a statement, but for now it looks 1,000 times better to us and I will not be so embarrassed to have people see our backyard.
In other backyard news, here are a couple pictures of some things that are blooming.
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