I will be furiously working on a new post on Monday don't you worry. We made a last minute decision to spend the weekend at the lake so.....I didn't spend as much time as I thought I was going to sifting through photos. Actually, I thought I had lost our big memory card with the majority of our pictures on it...so I spent most of my time worrying. However, we returned home, I found it and life will move on. In the meantime, I have dug through and found a few pictures that still make me drool....so Happy Monday morning/Sunday night to you and I should be back soon with a legitimate post...barring a better offer doesn't come along like it did this weekend.

YUUMMM....gelato. I probably have 25 additional pictures that look similar to this one. They really got tired of me standing in front of glass cases snapping away....but I never wanted to forget it's greatness. How about one from another angle....I thought you might ask.

Yep...it's great from that side too....Oh gelato....I miss you

I know I have no words either....only tears

Do you KNOW what I could do with this? Well....I don't but I am sure something fantastic. If I could have figured out how to take this entire shelf and shove it in my carry on...I would have.

Oh look it's Brandon holding a purse...no HE's not sweet but that purse sure was....It was a pretty good deal too at only 80 Euro. I just didn't know it at the time but that is another story for another post.
And last but not least do you know what this little treat is?? Just a little something from our day in Tuscany. This too is another story for another post. I just thought I would give you a little sneak peek
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