If you answered it's the month of the 4th of July Holiday then you are incorrect{that would mean I am WAAAY behind}. If you answered it's Christmas in July you are getting warmer. If you answered it is Hallmark Ornament premiere weekend then you are correct....and a huge nerd like me. This is where I insert my disclaimer.
Disclaimer: I am a HUGE nerd
At the risk of losing all 5 readers, I thought I would share my passion of Hallmark Ornaments with you {you can thank me later}. It all started a long long time ago...ok maybe a long time ago because that makes me feel old...when my grandmother started purchasing Hallmark ornaments for us. Every year we would look through her "Dream Book" {that's what it's called because it's the things dreams are made of} and pick out the ornament we wanted. Besides the American Girl doll I wanted that year, I would always pick the vintage Barbie ornament....so timeless and classy that Barbie...except for now...she's kind of trashy...but I digress...every year I would pick out my vintage Barbie ornament and would worry if I started to get down to the end of my presents and I hadn't opened her yet...my MaMa {pronounced: MawMaw} has always come through...Hallmark Ornaments are such a big part of our Christmas that the store my grandmother has kept open with her purchases for years will now call her to take her order so they can put them in her box for her to pick up...don't tell anyone because I don't need you people ruining my source....but I digress again...can you tell this gets me worked up? {see disclaimer}
Anyway, I got a phone call from my stepmom this weekend to tell me that she had gone to the Hallmark Ornament premiere day and had purchased a few for me....WHAT?!!!...How could I have missed this?...I am a Gold Card member....why did they not send me a reminder....or my Dream Book....there are valuable ornaments that will be snatched up in those first precious seconds...literally seconds...ok maybe minutes...but still...this is serious business...just ask Brandon...I make him stand in line with me and 100 other middle aged women the day after Christmas because he has long arms and therefore provides me with the reach advantage when we all storm through the doors {and I really enjoy his company}. He is a great and wonderful husband because very few men would put up with a wife who peers in the window to scope out the setting and then gives him his direction and list of ornaments to grab while I go the other way....is this TMI...am I taking this too far? {See disclaimer}
Well, for all of my love of Hallmark Ornaments I missed the big show this year...but thankfully my stepmom came through with this....

Well, that's all I am going to show you...because I don't really want to stand in line with the 5 of you and make Brandon have to reach around you too to get the rest of the ornaments I need...want...whatever...it's a disease....
I just wanted to make you aware of what we all missed out on this weekend...and if you didn't I don't want to talk about it and you are an even bigger nerd than me...so HA!
Ending Disclaimer: I hope we can still be friends
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