We did have a great weekend at home this weekend. Saturday was spent at the pool and Sunday we ran around like crazy people trying to get everything done that we put off on Saturday. I realized that I might be reaching middle age a little ahead of my time when I pulled out my Sunday paper at The Cracker Barrel {adding The to the beginning of places you go is also a sign of middle agedness} to browse the coupons....and then proceeded to rip them out by hand since I had no scissors...I'll make sure to be prepared next time. Wow that's kind of embarrassing actually written down. None the less, it was a good day. I took a picture I bought in Italy to get framed...I can't wait to show it to you. I am kicking myself for not buying the bigger version...because I think it might be my most favorite picture. Also....drum roll please..........I bought lamps for our room...

Please ignore the various necessities that it takes to survive on the nightstand...Burt's Bees really is a necessity and that Paula Deen Ginger Snap candle is pretty amazing too....and the Kleenex...well sometimes Brandon gets a little teary-eyed when we watch lifetime...but I digress. I found the lamps on clearance at HomeGoods...and what you can't see is the hideous monstrosity that is the lamp shade....because my camera batteries are dead and this was taken with Brandon's Blackberry....just imagine Asian inspired roses wrapping their way around the shade...and you'll understand why they were on clearance...I was actually kind of embarrassed to put them in my cart because that was all you could see...but it's a small fix for a good lamp. An interior designer would probably tell me those are all wrong but I kind of love them and love the extra light even more...so I think they'll stay put. Now, I just have to get the other nightstand to put the other lamp on....cart before the horse...that's what I like to say.
In other various life news...please bear with me this week....like you haven't heard that before. I have been left to my own devices in the office, as everyone else is off on their vacations to Canada and the beach...so if you don't hear from me after a few days...send a search party. My brother in-law is also getting married this weekend and Brandon and I have our anniversary so life will be pretty jammed packed with STUFF this week. I'll try to check back in at some point...who knows if all the tenants behave I may actually get through some more Italy pictures...considering we have only made it to day 3 of 10....I hope your ready.
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