Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Are You Ready for Some Football....

We had a great Labor Day weekend. Anything that doesn't constitute going into work on a Monday is great in my book. We started off the weekend with some good ole Auburn football...but even before that came the good ole football tailgate...this might be my favorite part of every game...because lets be honest what better reason is there to eat some of the best food that I love football season. My jeans don't love football season but I sure do. I didn't take any pictures because I didn't want anyone to be jealous and my hands were too full of goodness to bother with a camera.

We headed into the game 100lbs heavier and took our seats. The Eagle flew.

The band played

and the team ran out and we were off to a new season of football and I fell into a shrimp boil induced coma

Auburn won....War Eagle...which was a good thing because I didn't need a loss messing up the rest of MY weekend.

We headed over to the lake after the game to really get the weekend going...and by going I mean passing out in bed. Brandon's Aunt, Uncle, Cousins, and grandmother all came down on Sunday and we had a great time sitting, eating, and boat's what we do best. I also have no pictures of this because I was busy sitting on the dock watching life pass me by....I also don't need photographic evidence of how much food I can eat and consequently what that does to my body in a bathing suit...we'll just leave it at...I am pretty sure I ate my body weight in Gan's potato salad alone...that stuff is from the heavens....there is no other explanation other than that...well I guess you could explain it as being from the devil because after that the cover up didn't come off....

We are getting back in the swing of things at home this week but I can pretty much mark off every weekend from now through December as being totally useless...I am pretty sure there is an off weekend somewhere in there where I can at least get Brandon to take out the trash...until then if you are ever at my house please accept my apologies and understand that it is football season....

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