Tuesday, September 29, 2009

and on the 8th Day...

In case you were curious, on the 8th day God created Paula Deen and all her homemade goodness and I have taken it upon myself to spread the good news. The good news being her Ooey Gooey Butter Cake. If you do only one thing in this life for yourself it must be to make this cake. I have made two in the past two weekends and the pan has been licked clean before Monday even rolls around. If the name isn't enough to make you want to try it I don't know what else to say...other than it's so easy even I can make it...and it contains two whole sticks of butter. Your friends and family will thank you and sing your praises...your hips, thighs and rear not so much...as evidenced by my pants that were a little too tight this morning. I like to cut mine up into bar sized pieces so I can spread the guilt out over several pieces instead of one big hunk of Ooey goodness...I'm telling you this cake will change your life...and your pants size. You can all thank me later.


  1. ok, where is the receipe? I want to try it this weekend!

  2. Click on the link...it should take you straight to it.

  3. Did you know that gooey butter cake is a St. Louis original? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gooey_butter_cake
    If you come visit, I'll be sure to treat you to samples of gooey butter cake from St. Louis's best bakeries!
