It's Friday and I am doing everything in my power to avoid's cloudy outside...I have only had one cup of coffee and I want to crawl back in what better distraction than to daydream about packing up all my earthly belongings and moving into one of the many houses in
Shelbyville. It is no secret dream of mine to move into a historic house on a little bit of land and live happily ever after...however places like that don't exist in Birmingham {at least where you make it out alive} and so I am left to pine over these historic homes and the for sale signs on acres and acres of land for sale as far as the eye can see...
Please keep in mind while viewing these that my sister was freaking out over being late to the birthday party...therefore these should be looked at as action shots...because she was driving around the block like a madwoman while I was taking pictures of strangers house...really its a wonder the authorities weren't called.

and look the mailman still walks down the street to deliver mail...

not to mention front yards like this....

This must be heaven...oh look there is one for must be a sign....
I would happily take any of those houses