Let's take a closer look shall we....just ignore the semi-blurry pictures...things were moving pretty quickly...
Sophie was as clean as the pure driven snow...if pure driven snow were black. Miss Priss won't dare set foot in the rain...however these two apparently had a pretty good time and it looked as though little Max got the brunt of it...and he was REAL concerned about it.
I swear these two may be the reason we never have children. My hand are full enough...I imagine this would be what having children is like...minus the leaving children out in the backyard while I go to work...and with Brandon out of town it was all the more fun trying to corral two dogs in a bathtub...with one trying to lick the shampoo off the other...yes I think that would be very much like having children...my pants were soaked from trying to hold them down {not under the water} and I had a huge mud smear down my shirt from grabbing Curby each time before she jumped out of the tub...and oh my tub...my poor tub...it may never forgive me
I'm sorry for treating you this way tub...after all the wonderful baths you have given me....It was a typical Monday around our house, but Tuesday is a new day and their butts are in a crate.
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