So as we have camera stinks...or maybe its the operator...but still...sometimes my photos need a little help. I've been playing around with because its free and as far as I can tell, it does some of the same things as Photoshop at least on a very basic level...and that is where I am...on a very basic level.
I took this picture while we were in was a beautiful little brook that we walked across on our way to the flea market {there was a bridge}...
It was ok but I thought it would be way more interesting with a little PW Action help...ok I confess...I had to hijack Brooke's computer with actual Photoshop to do this would have taken ages to figure out how to get the effects in and I cheated with a few clicks of a button...a little boost...a little sunshine...and a little seventies and I got this...I'm sorry I am a total fraud I know...

and I loved only wish was that the fall colors that are everywhere right now had been on the trees...but then I discovered something. I wanted to play around with adding texture to my picture...I LOVE texture in paintings, in fabrics, and now just adds a little while experimenting with a texture {of rust} on realized that I couldn't really see the texture but it did add that fall color I wanted...
Now I went a little...a lot...overboard on the rust color here but you get the idea. The tree is now more yellow and red than green...huh...who would have thunk...but still I wanted some more texture...and I have about 35 photos that I could show you on how that went...but with a good google search I was able to come up with a texture I liked and it turned out ok I think...but I'm not a professional so that's not really a valid opinion
It needs some fine tuning I think...but I have strong tendencies towards ADD so this will have to do for now...and like I said I am not a professional and have no idea what I am doing...
very cool after shot! You can also try is SUPER fun