Last week we went to the fair...I was so excited. I love the least I thought I did. Have you ever noticed how your childhood memories are VASTLY different from reality? Paying a dollar to see the "smallest horse around" was really just depressing...had he been small enough to fit in my purse I would have taken the poor thing out of the box it was in and taken home with me. Brandon never should have given me that dollar. I spent the rest of the night worry about that horse in the box and wondering if I should call PETA on the fair....and of course Brandon made it all better when he told me it was people like me that contributed to the plight of the horse in the box...because if no one paid to see it then they wouldn't have a horse in the box...Thanks...I think I might go call PETA on myself now...
None the less, the fair was entertaining just for the people watching ability. Man I love to people watch.... sorry I can feel myself getting off topic... how about some pictures??
Ok so the carousel probably wouldn't kill you if it malfunctioned....but those other ones...there isn't an amount in the world that would get me on one of those...however I was tempted by the Trapeze know the one that has the swings and it twirls you around....I loved that one as a kid...but probably much like the horse in the box I would be majorly I decided to keep that fond memory for myself and just take a picture of the thing...not to mention the girl buckling in all the children looked kind of sketchy...yet another thing I didn't notice about the fair when I was little....has the fair staff always been so rough??? Don't answer that...I would like to think of my parents are responsible human beings who would not let said sketchy girl strap me into a swing that twirls around high above the ground....
So the fair was fun...expensive but fun...I ate my weight in fair food and discovered that you can just about deep fry anything...I did get a cool pair of shades for $2...a much better waste of $2 than the stuffed animal I would have won...or not won trying to knock over a milk bottle with a baseball...I have enough dogs at home anyway.
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