It's finally Friday thank goodness. I am not sure how much more of this week I can take. It's just been one of those know what I house looks like it hasn't been cleaned in years...even though I feel like all I do is pick attempts at dinner this week fell short...every night...and I have just been in an overall mood. Maybe its that seasonal depression thing they keep talking about in all those commercials...or maybe I am just having an off week...lets hope so because I don't know if I can survive a whole winter of weeks like this in an effort to cheer myself up...because it is Friday after all...I think I'll share some pictures I took last Sunday. It was a beautiful day I was airing out my quilt...thinking about how much I loved it...and watching the butterflies enjoy the few remaining flowers in the was a good day...and little did I know it was going to be all down hill from there.

The pineapple sage is the sole survivor of my pots I planted...and man it has overtaken the pot it is in...and I am glad because I love it's pink flowers and you would swear that you had been holding a pineapple if you run your hands through it.

My butterfly is the sole survivor of anything planted in the backyard in the last two years...and it may not last long because the dogs have recently taken an interest in it...dang dogs...

After seeing the blue mason jars at the flea market I figured I should make good use of mine so I shoved what I could find into one with a little rafia and set it on the table on our back porch...I thought it was pretty cheery for October...almost November.

Max hung out with me too...and had to make sure his 5 o' clock shadow wasn't too noticeable... that shaving mirror is really coming in handy...Ok thats about all the cheer I can muster this morning so TGIF!
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