The girls in my office {all three of us} have taken it upon ourselves to declare a girl's night once a month. It all started last month when we banned together like a bunch of 13 year olds to go see Twilight like a bunch of 13 year olds at the dollar theater. We had such a good time that we decided to make it a monthly event.
This month, we decided to head to
Sips n' Strokes. You may remember that this is where I first discovered I loved piddling with paint...ok well it is more of a love/hate relationship at the moment. Anyway, after work today we headed out to dinner and then on to Sips n' Strokes to paint our masterpieces. We thought it was kind of weird that we were the first to show up since the class was set to start in 30 minutes....WRONG-O. The class started thirty minutes later than we thought so we had plenty of time {an hour} to snag the prime real estate seats and set up shop.

We also got to watch everyone come in. People always make me SO nervous when they walk in all dressed up. I myself must dress like a homeless person because it is inevitable that before the class even begins I will have paint down my arm and in my hair. So I love to sit and marvel at the people who show up in their flowing tops with sleeves that are begging to be dragged through totally makes me panic, but you know what the crazy thing is? They usually leave in the same condition they came in, it's unnatural...It is an unwritten rule that when you cook and paint you should end up wearing at least some of it.
So off we went armed with our color copies and paint to create our "Big Pink Flower" {and Leigh Anne's big orange flower}...Here's what happened:

{Brooke drew a pretty flower}
{Leigh Anne drew a pretty flower}
{I forgot what a flower looks like}
{But they were concentrating harder than me}
Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime of pain, we moved on to something I could handle...painting the background....well maybe not so much.
{Brown, Black, and hey dummy that's part of your flower not your background}
{Then we started coloring stuff in}

{Then I quit taking pictures of mine}

{Then I quit taking pictures b/c this is the next one I have...TA DA!}
{and yes Leigh Anne is dressed in her work clothes...the brave soul}
I, of course, sat around after everyone left fiddling with mine until I realized it was useless. Then I just threw it in my trunk, turned up the old school Madonna/ Ace of Base, and brought it home to fiddle with it...that part in the bottom right hand corner was driving me here is how it stands sits leans on my kitchen table.

It is what it is and I have made peace with that plus, it's 12:36 am and I need to go to bed...and yes, that is my very first ever Sips n' Strokes painting behind it because I can't afford real art.
GREAT painting!
ReplyDeleteYes, "smock" is the watchword and byword of all we who paint with too much focus to notice where our arms and sleeves are doing. Art takes that kind of dedication.
In fact, now that you mention it I should probably get another smock to cook with.
You have got to stop all these crafty hobbies. You are making me look bad. Maybe you can teach me something this summer. Love the picture!