Ahhhh...there's nothing like a sunny Saturday afternoon to make you get up and do attempt something. This was the view from my sunroof as I headed to peruse the local craft shops for inspiration. I did pick up a couple fun things from the Michael's $1 aisle and if I can figure out a use for them I'll do a post on that later...but what a steal at only $1. Hobby Lobby though is where I found my project gold.
I decided after reading a couple of my favorite blogs that I would take a stab at the whole sewing thing. Now, I did make a pretty mean dress once in Home Ec but that was a long time ago. I recently acquired my Grandmother's sewing machine and man is she a beast beauty. I figure if I can learn to use this thing, I will be well on my way when/if I ever get one of the fancy computerized machines. If I could just tell it what I want it to make or show it a picture that would be ideal.

{Here she is in all her glory}
I'll spare you the 100 pictures I could have taken of me trying to figure out how to wind the bobbin. While it seems Grandmommy never threw anything away, I somehow didn't end up with the instruction manual. Thanks to the Internet...and of course Google...I was finally able to get her going, and I am going to post a picture so next time it won't take me so long.

{It's a lot harder than it looks}
So then logically, I whipped out my new super cute fabric and got to sewing realized I didn't have a clue what I was doing and decided I better go read a book about it first BEFORE I ruined my new super cute fabric. {Go ahead and laugh at the girl who thinks she is going to read a book about sewing and then know how to sew...HA HA}

I had Brandon move my sewing machine/table downstairs to our office which I have now hijacked for my own space. I thought that having the right environment would also help in my sewing adventure {naturally}. I am still trying to figure out the layout of it and additional shelving/storage that it desperately needs, but I think that it is perfectly functional for now. {see what a trip to Hobby Lobby turns into}
{Don't worry the yellow bench is a project itself...and it will be one color}
I'll go ahead and apologize if you started reading this post thinking that it was going to end with some fantasic success of a sewing project {why wouldn't it}...I felt pretty satisfied with the day just getting the bobbin wound and plugging the thing in. Anyway, by this time, it was 8 o'clock, Brandon had returned from golfing, and I hadn't yet read my sewing book. I have since purchased some lovely $1 fabric from Wal-mart {so I don't ruin the good stuff} and plan on making my first attempt this week with this project. It seems pretty straight forward and easy enough...right? I'll let you know how it turns out...or doesn't. For now, I am going to try to save my garden from the frost.
CUTE fabrics Ash! Can't wait to see what those turn into. Glad to see that spinning wheel, I mean sewing machine is in a well ventelated area, 'cause once you get started I know you are going to BURN IT UP!! :)
ReplyDeleteYour Uncinlaw
Wow... I'm speechless. I mean, you warned me while I was sitting in the peds office yesterday, but this is unbelievable. SO, I need to get a list ready for you for EB's fall clothes...stand by.