Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The moment you have all been waiting for has arrived. I finally had a few minutes last night to sit down and finish a shirt I started last week. I first saw the project here and thought hmm...that's cute...seems easy enough right? Wrong...I do not have the book that she used and therefore had no directions...or templates. I basically just tried to trace a similar shape onto some paper which I then transferred to the fabric. I used some iron on backing to get the pieces to stick to my shirt and then used a zig-zag stitch to outline and stitch them down and wa-lah! HA HA if only...once again, there are 100 pictures I could have shown of me ripping out stitches and cutting out fabric pieces...actually there aren't because I purposefully didn't take those. I think that my next sewing project will consist solely of stitches that go in a straight line. I may have been a little ambitious with this one...just don't look too closely.

{ I think the crooked lines add character}

1 comment:

  1. Ok.. I'm UBER impressed. I LOVE the pink stitching. you did a great job, AB! I would SO wear that, but I've already told you my issue with ribbed tank tops these days...it'll be a while.

    Also, you could do that on a smaller scale and put it on onesies...just another idea.
